Well it was brought to my attention that I hadn't updated in about 2 months. Which you are right. But life has been a whirlwind. I have managed to fill my summer with lots of busy-ness and thus far it has been a roller coaster. Here's a little glimpse...
Internship at Brackett and Ellis in downtown ftw. Loved it. I was challenged, encouraged, and reaffirmed that this is the track my life is leading me down (law that is). I enjoyed the firm a lot and all the people I met. I became incredibly close to the other interns and would like to consider them my 6 week clerkship family. It was actually refreshing to be up in FTW for the first time in a while. There was a certain level of familiarity with everything that helped in my confidence while up there. I also enjoyed living at home. Now this won't happen again, but for the 7 weeks that I was there it was fine.
Lauren and Dave's wedding. It was wonderful, beautiful, incredible, and awesome. I had a great time being MOH and am blessed with such a great best friend as Lauren.
Lubbock to visit Liz for a week. It was a lot of fun i have to say. I came to realize there is really not a lot to do in Lubbock. But Liz and I mananged to fill it with fun. I am blessed to have such a great little sister who is beocming a lovely young woman (corny I know).
Now i'm in the H for a whole week. The first week I've spent here at my apt since i left in the middle of May for FTW. So far I managed to fill my weekend with lots of fun and am excited for this next week of catching up with friends I haven't seen in two months and those that I have! Crazy how fast this summer is flying by. Only one more month till I start my last year of school EVER. Phredd is doing well I have to report. He is a great fish who manages to be able to go days without food.
Well since I probably wont' update for a while again, here's a brief synapsis of what I have coming up -- Oregon Coast for a week w/ the family (first real vacation in a lonnnggg time!), Illinois for 4 days for my wonderful Baylor roomie Sarah's wedding to Michael, and then a week off, and then my last first tday of school!!
(sorry for the superificiality of this post... if you have kept in touch w/ me this summer, then you konw the real indepth stuff)
Until I decide to post again,
Much love.
Kudos: Amazing family and friends and support and encouragement.
Dang: Ppl who backup into pretty grey Xterras.