Well, its saturday, in the middle of finals, and I should be studying, but today isn't very conducive to that. For one, I of course needed to watch Grey's from Thursday this morning b/c there is no other time in the future when I could have done that, 2. i needed to sleep till 10 of course, I need sleep to study effectively 3. I needed a new dress for Patrick's firms Holiday Party tonight at this fancy restaurant, and well the dresses in my closet just weren't cutting it, so I of course needed to go to Francesca's and get a new dress, and while there try on about 10 other things and look at earrings for an hour, 4. I of course needed to update my blog like I said I wouldn't, 5. need to go Lights in the Heights w/ Patrick to visit his friends at their open house and 6. I definitely need to go eat a nice free dinner and drink good vino at Patrick's soon to be firm holiday party (soon to be b/c he signed but doesn't start till Sept, so proud!). Did I mention I still have three finals, one of which I just started studying for today, but its not till next Saturday. Which brings me to my next point, one week from this very moment I will be NOT studying and will be a semester away from finishing law school. Boo yah! (that's right boo yah).
Other than that I have really mostly just been studying. I still have Criminal Procedure on Tues, Family law on thurs, and Business torts (which i am supposed to be studying for right now) on Sat. and then I am finito! I'm ready to enjoy Christmas and the holidays and go shopping and sleep in (wait I already do that anyways) and spend time w/ my boyfriend and friends and family w/o finals looming over my head. Almost there.
I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays!
Much love.
Yay: New dress!
Dang: finals. duh.