Well friends. Just thought I'd give y'all a little bitty update of what has been going on in my life the last few weeks...
Moot Court: We went to White Plains, NY, Matt, David and I and our coaches Pattie and Maritza. Thursday we competed in two preliminary rounds. I argued for the Environment in the first round in front of the same judge I argued the same position for last year in the first prelim round, crazy, and he recognized us. DIdn't argue in prelim2 , but Matt got speaker for that round. Then argued in the prelim round 3 on Friday and I got best speaker for that round! Exciting, esp since I took it away from a girl who had gotten best speaker in the first two rounds. Ha. Take that. We broke (made it) into the quarterfinals that eve
ning, and alas I didn't get to argue, it wasn't my position, so Matt and David argued an did just great! Unfortunately judges SUCK and we didn't make it to the semis, but we should have. We did just amazing and our hard work definitely showed. We ate a lot of really yummy food, including a fabulous dinner at Morton's Steakhouse, and then Saturday we watched the finals, then went into NYC! Yay! We had dinner at a seafood place and then went and saw Young Frankenstein. OMG so good/funny/hilarious. I recommend it to anyway. Its a little more PG-13, and there were some little kiddos sitting next to me, luckily most of the jokes aren't outright dirty, soo that's good I guess. But I loved it. love love love loved it! Then we all went out in NYC till about 5:30 am. The bars there don't close till 4am, so we had some pizza around 2am and kept on. At that time, my coach Maritza (she's around 28) and her bf and his friend and my friend justin came out with us. So much fun. good way to end the whole deal!
Paper - first draft done and done and done. Next time I should edit it before I email it so that I don't get a note from my prof telling me i need to go see a tutor abuot how to write proper grammatical sentences...oops. Pretty sure in my 20th year of school I know how to do that, its just really a matter of caring in my first draft...ha.
Houston Rodeo: I have had a great time so far this year and its only been two days. Haha. Lauren and Dave invited Patrick and I to go to Tim McGraw on Monday night. So much fun :) And then last night I went with Kate (sister) to see Faith Hill. We ate some bbq, fed some baby animals, looked at some cows and bulls (to which i learned my sister is afraid of bulls, interesting), and watched some rodeo. Had an absolutely great time :) Next up... Dierks w/ Alisa!
Coming up....
- Elaine and Brian's Wedding Weekend of fun! Yaya so excited to see them get married, dance, see college friends, and celebrate this wonderful occasion with both of them!!
- MPRE: before I can do that though I have to take a professional responsibiltiy test for Law school on Sat. morning, awesome. Pretty sure I'll be the only one there taking it in a sunday dress (for the bridal luncheon)
- Get to see my family three weekends in a row (elaine's wedding, jen's wedding, and easter weekend).
- Spring break: going on a mini-vacay to the hill country w/ Patrick :)
- Actually begin research on my paper now that all the extraneous things to prepare for are through (moot court/mpre).
- Look for a job!
- Jen and Ryans wedding (next weekend)!
- Graduate (ok that's a little further away, but really only 2 months!!)
Much Love.
Yay: Elaine and Brian's wedding!
Dang: MPRE
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